A manky old tennis ball

This afternoon I went to Portobello for my walk and just look what I found?...................... A manky old tennis ball. Yay! Ann threw the manky old tennis ball for me and I went zooming after it. But then do you know what happened?.................... I refused to give it to Ann so that she could throw it for me again. I couldn't be bothered to spend the afternoon running after a manky old tennis ball so I just wandered around with it in my mouth for ages.

We've had a lovely afternoon. The weather this week has just been amazing. And Edinburgh has some fantastic places for me to go for my walks where I can be off my lead for the whole time. Today we parked in a street right next to the beach so I only had to be on my lead for about 2 mins. The rest of the time I got to run about and go splish, splash, sploshing in the sea.

I am having fun, fun, fun, in Edinburgh. The only trouble is..................... having so much fun off my lead exhausts me. Ann's just put my dinner out for me but I'm still tired from playing on the beach so I'm having a little snooze in my bed and will eat my dinner later.

Happy Wednesday Evening peeps. xx

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