Not happy!

Ann is not happy with me. In fact she is very angry with me. Do you want to know why she is very angry with me?

…...................What happened was..................... I went for my afternoon walk along the canal. I don't really like it along the canal because I always have to stay on my lead. I don't like staying on my lead. I wanted to be off my lead so that I could run and go splish, splash, sploshing but unfortunately there are lots of cyclists on the canal path and if I'm off my lead I have a dreadful habit of walking in front of them and Ann's always worried that I'm going to make them tipple topple off their bikes and fall in the canal.  I've never, ever made a cyclist tipple, topple off their bike and fall in the canal.

Anyway because Ann is such a nice, kind considerate dog owner, we actually went on the bus to the canal so that I didn't have to pound the streets on my lead................. But I was still being slower than a snail along the canal. Ann said. 'Molly, I try my hardest to take you somewhere nice every day but you just throw it all back in my face. There's got to be a bit of give and take in our relationship. You are acting like a spoilt brat. I know you can go faster than this. Do you really think I am enjoying a walk where I'm pretty much pulling your collar over your head because you're going so slow? Please, please, please, speed up a bit.'

Well, I didn't want to speed up. I wanted to be off my lead so I spent the whole afternoon walking in 'snail mode' to show how angry I was at not getting any run about time. I thought if I went on a 'go slow' Ann would relent and take me somewhere where I could be off my lead. Unfortunately my very clever cunning plan backfired...................... Ann said, 'Molly, I'm fed up with this walk. And if you can't act like a sensible collie and walk properly I'm just going to treat you like an old boring collie that doesn't want nice walks and I'll take you round the block twice a day and that will be it for the rest of your life?!' And I'll go on some exciting walks by myself!

I was a bit sad when I heard that. I know Ann tries really hard to make life exciting for me. And I know that sometimes I have to walk on my lead. And I know that life isn't all about me. And I know that there's got to be give and take in our relationship. And I know that I can't spend my whole life off my lead. And I know I'm a really lucky little collie to have Ann as my owner. And I know that if Ann hadn't adopted me I would probably be dead by now.

….......................And I know that Ann really, really, loves me. And I really, really, really, love her too. xxx

PS - I'm lying flaked out on the sofa now but Ann has just come and tickled me behind my ears and do you know what she said?...…………  She said, 'MollyCollie, I wasn't happy with your snail like walking today but I still love you.  I will always love you.  You are the bestest little collie in the whole wide world.'  Yay!  Just how good is that?!

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