Madison Automotive

This car repair business in St Johns is pretty new; it's in the old St Johns Honda place, before that, it was a Ford dealership. It has a dusty showroom/customer waiting area with big cuved windows. Nice place, but it so could be fixed up to be a real showplace. Old cars always need work, don't they, much like us.
I decided I wasn't going to buy anything new to wear for the two upcoming events as we say our official goodbyes to my sister - a viewing Wednesday, and a funeral Thursday. The other criterion was that my clothes must be comfortable. None of that tiresome tugging and adjusting. Why are "nice" clothes not as easy to wear? At any rate, after trying on things, I settled on a tunic that I never wear because it's shiny sort of, but it is comfy. Over a short black skirt with leggings. Does that sound okay? :)
Then, with jumbled up, jagged emotions, I walked into town, having given myself full permission to buy anything, to look at clothes at Salty Teacup, Metamorphic, and Consign Couture. Didn't find anything, but did use up a lot of that bewildering energy - and walked home past Madison Automotive.

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