The Truth Will Out

What strength of mind does it take to walk past this array of cakes and order a solitary Americans coffee? Not so much when the bathroom scales tell a story of dietary constraints having loosened over the past months. And so it’s back to self denial and no treats for this Lady.

I find it rewarding if I am able to use up all the languishing contents of the fridge vegetable drawer by making soup. It is always a hybrid soup and falls outside any specific nomenclature.

I hate consigning food to the bin having been around during times of food rationing and being mindful of the little starving African boys of my childhood. It still upsets me when people don’t clear their plates even though I know in modern times it can be construed as being impolite to your hosts, lest they think you haven’t been given enough to eat.
Perhaps always clearing my plate is the reason the bathroom scales never lie.

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