Boiler Bother

The boiler fiasco continues for the 6th day. What started as a minor fault of a leak in water pressure with the boiler still functioning last Thursday but needing a new connector to be fitted on the Friday, has now become a trail of faults necessitating a new fan, a new circuit board and lastly a new transformer which may take several days to get.
Meantime we shiver in a mainly open plan flat (although there is of course the man space behind THE DOOR). The final insult was to be told by the engineer late yesterday afternoon that had we been Housing Association tenants, his firm would have provided us with fan heaters while we waited for the boiler spares to appear. Instead we try and warm the house with one radiant electric heater, wearing outdoor clothes and trying not to think about the weather getting colder in the next few days.

At the moment I am sitting in solitary mode in the adjacent café with the comfort of a pizza fire blazing nearby and warmth. HL has elected to wait in the Dower House for a phone call from the firm about locating a new transformer. The saga continues.

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