Happy anniversary

A strange one!
We woke early as Rob needed to ask the builders for help pushing our car out of one of their ditches, though when he got outside they had already manhandled it out!
Then the digger and dumper started trundling up and down the drive with loads of mud to back fill the gas tank hole. The surface rapidly became a quagmire....
Next, the builder kneed with the septic tank engineer to discuss excavation for the new one. More mud.
We went off with relief for our lunch at the Wheatsheaf at Brigsteer and had a very pleasant interlude with a walk at Helsington with Pepper (see extra for dramatic flooded Lyth Valley).
Back to the homestead to find the builders in their wisdom had excavated another hole! In the middle of the drive! To check they hadn’t split the water main! We should never have gone out.
We had arranged to go to the cinema with Katie and Andrew but their busy schedule for the day went a bit pear shaped so we stayed in and watched the Bake Off with a glass of wine and some dips. So alls well that ends well? Memorable anyway!

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