New Farmers

We received two messages from the Junior Flums this afternoon.
#1, from B, asking if we still had the toy farm animals that he had in childhood.
This was easily answered, they were retrieved from the attic. In case they came for them straight away I made a farm scene on the little table to show them off.

#2 was from the Flumlet, which concluded "could you ask Santa Claus if he would bring me a farm for Christmas". I have a feeling this might have been directed at Mr Flum, who, if he gets busy pretty soon, might just provide Santa the wherewithal. 

Let's see now, we'll need barns for the hay, the cows, the sheep, sty for pigs, stable for the horses, yard for the hens, pond for the ducks, shed for tractors, trailer, baler, harrow, a few fields....anyone got a pattern?

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