Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Hello, Wharfedale ..

We are installed at No 1 son's in the part of the world that we learned to call God's Own Country when we lived here.  Yorkshire, Ilkley,  to be precise.  The view is the back of the Parish Church.

We're here mainly to dog-sit Raf, while his family are away at the wedding of K's sister.  We lived round here for over 30 years, so are taking the opportunity to catch up with as many people as we can fit into two days.

Today I had arranged to meet up with two friends from my Art College days, and to my delight a third turned up. We'd not seen her for at least a decade, so you can imagine how fast the tongues had to wag. 

I forgot all about pictures till we'd said our goodbyes, by which time the light was fading and it was time for me to get the train along to Burley.

Raf was very, very pleased to see us.  It took son and family 6 hours to get to Reading, and C has been sick and announced that she was ready for bed (most unusual).  Let's hope she's better in time for her Flower Girl duties tomorrow.

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