Cousin Bruce

Just like a good cat should, Jasper identified Bruce as the person in the room who doesn't like cats and set about convincing him otherwise.


Bruce wisely decided that Jasper enriches my life and he's ok (for a cat). In recognition of allowing Jasper to sleep on his lap last evening Bruce was allowed the cat mug Mum gave me for his tea this morning.

They've departed, I'm back in bed, and Jasper doesn't know what to do with himself in bad weather. He's mixing Dr Cat duties on the bed with short bursts outside, long enough to pick a worm up and bring it inside. Yuck!

If I can convince myself to move I'll go and get the antibiotic script. I'm still not sure they'll help but I'd rather have them as I head into the weekend.

Today's gratitude: For a comfy warm bed.

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