Big Granddaddy

I ventured out for a short walk, well bundled up against the change in weather. Unfortunately, by mid-afternoon the light was pretty dim on the back trail where we spotted this old buck. I pumped up the ISO and snapped some shots of him anyway, and this one turned out. Look closely and you can make out two does standing in the background.

About the weather: Yesterday was apparently the last in a series of nice fall days. Weather-wise it was a beautiful week. Unfortunately I spent most of it housebound, fighting off the sinus infection. Today the weather did a turn-around. As I write this, it is 37 degrees with a "lake effect snow advisory." "Lake effect" weather patterns are common here, created because of our nearness to Lake Erie. Fortunately we got our little walk finished before the rainy-sleety stuff began to fall. I am snugly inside at my computer and here I will stay.

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