Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A visit to Cambridge

Gavin and I went up to Cambridge today to deliver Adam his car and drive back in the old car that now will become Thomas' car. We got there a bit earlier than our agreed meeting time so we popped in to see the Cambridge American Cemetery, a site of 30 plus acres donated by the university where there are the remains of 3812 dead American soldiers and 5127 names inscribed on a wall of those who were missing in action. It is a poignant sight to see the rows and rows of graves.

We then met Adam and after faffing about with the cars went into town for lunch. We had to hurry back to his house as he had to be at the laboratory by a certain time but the traffic was so bad in town that it took us absolutely ages to get to there. The streets were gridlocked, not sure why - one main street was closed off, possibly due to filming. We eventually got back to his house where I was asked to take a photo of the house mates - see extra. Adam was going to be late for his lab meeting so he hopped on his bicycle to get there quickly, while Gavin and I got an Uber back to where the old car was parked at his college some miles away. (the car swap was turning out to be a bit complicated!)

As we were leaving Cambridge I briefly stopped off at Jesus Green where I sidled up to this heron (as I did not have a long lens with me) and managed to get a shot of him - see extras.

The journey home was quite slow as there was a car on fire on the M25 about half an hour from home and the traffic was awful as they closed off most of the lanes. It was a long day with horrible traffic wherever we went but it was lovely to see Adam again.

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