
By Eilatanfoto

Oh how you would have laughed!

Oh how you would have laughed!

I don't know what made me think that because I was in a forgein country (after not sleeping or eating for around 24 hours), that I would suddenly have improved co-ordination: And yet, I decided to navigate my own boat at the floating markets....sorry did I say navigate, I meant crash in to every other person who was capable of steering their boats! Luckily, I had checked out the word for sorry before leaving the accomodation. Obviously because of the intense concentration required to steer my boat (I have no shame, adventure comes with good and bad and non-stop entertainment for those on the sidelines), I have no photos of this, so alternatively I have blipped a character featured that afternoon, at the Grand Palace.

A lot of people forget that Thailand is a Kingdom (and fiercly loyal to their royal family), and the 218,000 square metre palace compound is located on the riverbanks near Tha Tien. Built in 1782, it is opulent and decorative to say the least and is vitally important to the Thai people who visit it regularly. I caught a local express boat - please note the word 'caught' - and walked the remaining way. It was well worth viewing (and includes an emerald Buddha carved in 1434). I also managed to catch a boat back, then got myself lost for 4 hours...no, not lost as I had no idea where I was trying to get to...I got to continue my adventure wandering around Bangkok for 4 hours....and then I got hungry....me trying to buy street vendor food...yet again, Oh how you would have laughed!!!

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