A Day On The Allotment

The tourist bit visiting Edinburgh is over and today I was on Kat's allotment working. We harvested some of her crops  before the frost sets in.

She had already hung her onions to dry so I cut off the stems and bagged them. She got 3 of these 10" plant pots full. I went on to top and tail masses of carrots and white pointy things.

In the afternoon I was assigned to weeding but that was soon altered when another allotmenteer gave Kat 80 little leek plants. I got the job of planting them.

Back at her flat there was still work to do. While she made tea The Man and I cut up 3 carrier bags full of crab apples, windfalls from our garden which she will make into wine.

After tea she bottled some of her wine from demijohns and we washed the smaller carrots that weren't worth putting into clamps. The little ones that can go whole into casseroles.

Sat with my feet up watching F1 qualifying on Catch Up.Will I be up at 6am to see the race? Time will tell.

EDIT: Asked folk this morning what the name for white pointy things is: parsnips of course! Couldn't think of the name late last night.

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