world in a grain of sand

By kateann

now you see it...

I took this shot of a Christmas tree at the Ashmolean museum in Oxford because I thought the juxtaposition of the tree and the statues was so incongruous. Seems the people at the Ashmolean did too, because about 5 minutes later they moved the tree.
I'd been at a conference in Oxford about the demonstration project of paying housing benefit direct to tenants (rather than straight to their landlords). I think it's right to give people responsibility, but it's a bit early to get any results, which made me wonder why they had the conference.
It was great to get away from work. To be fair, in the morning, I'd had a really successful meeting with someone who's helping me with some work to get tenants involved in the "green agenda" in Bicester, where there's going to be an eco town. It's just my colleagues I'm struggling with! So I've decided to try not to invest too much in it, in the hope that I won't mind so much about feeling unvalued - but I suspect that's easier said than done.

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