Mother’s Ruin in Fudge Form

Barrioboy and Digitaldaze brought me my very own G&T in fudge form and it is absolutely delicious. What a good idea. No glasses to wash, just a lazy nibbling as I knit and if everyday goes as yesterday, a good night’s sleep to boot. His Lordship is not a Gin man so he is excluded from sharing. What’s not to like?

It’s been a full on day of visitors and telephone calls, with no common agenda. Usually the only phone calls on the landline are cold callers and I have developed a strategy of lifting the phone and saying nothing so that they are forced to chose another luckless victim. Occasionally however, there is a friend at the other end of the line who must wonder if the cat has got my tongue, and that is a bit embarassing. And so it was this afternoon when an erstwhile cycling friend phoned to speak to HL. Fortunately he understood.

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