Round stack with tiles

The wind blew hard in the night and rain banged onto the skylight. J made a fire and we thought about the long winter ahead without the heating we had planned.

Still we have plenty of wood for the two stoves and fireplace. This is a round stack I made of wet acacia finished with a rather haphazard roof of beautiful old terracotta tiles from house roof.

It was a bit of a driving day today - in and out from Florence where a 'voragine' (chasm) had opened up in the one of the main roads - the Bolognese - that run's by J's work.  As the rain pelted down oilskinned Polizia Municipale directed traffic away from the town centre and down the vertiginous Via Salviati.

I did some washing and hightailed it back to the Casentino listening - of all things - to the Archers Omnibus on the iPlayer.

I did more walnut collecting and a bit of preparation for rotavating. The fields round and about are mainly ploughed (see extra) already and I hope I haven't missed my chance to turn the land and plants those green manure lupins before the rains really set in.

I gathered in a few boxes of apples and called it a day at 6.30.

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