Warebeth breakers (Day 1243)

I woke to the sound of heavy rain battering the window. It seemed foolish to get up and venture out with the woofers until the rain had eased off a little. The rain abated eventually and, a little later than normal, I took the woofers for their morning wander. Heavy showers weren't far away and the rain chased us home.
The morning drifted by as my beautiful wife and I pottered around the house doing various little chores before lunch.  After lunch, and with the weather looking promising, we headed to Stromness to check the hosses and wander the woofers. The strong winds of the past few days have whipped up big waves which looked great in the sunshine, and I took a few quick shots.
Heading back to the car, heavy showers were blown along Hoy Sound. The sunbeams breaking through made for a dramatic sky (extra).
Later, as HV trundled off to work, I headed out to fix a customer's boiler. 

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