Windy (Day 1242)

I was a little later out for the morning woofer wander this morning, and unusually, there were already other hardy souls on the hill braving the rather vile weather. 
After drying out over coffee, I headed for town to collect some provisions, returning home to do a bit of batch cooking before lunch and the prospect of a wet woofer wander. Having pulled on full waterproofs, I was blown along after the woofers at Wasdale in a very strong wind. Thankfully the rain waited until we were only a couple of hundred yards from the van before attempting to give us the second soaking of the day. 
A poor day for photography, but fragments of silage wrap hooked on the fence gave a bit of an impression of how strong the wind was. 
The dogs and I are awaiting the return of my beautiful wife from her overnight shift at work. We have no plans to head outside until tomorrow at the earliest...

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