Late visitor

Just planning my day: ironing, planting bulbs, decorating Freddy’s Birthday cake, remembering to book my dance lessons at noon on the dot or l won’t get a place, meeting Bridget for coffee, going to our first event at this year’s Ilkley Literature Festival.
All to be done in time to watch Strictly of course.
Now l’ve just had a text from Adele that Freddy has come down with a bad cold.
This means we will have to cancel as Mr P has such a compromised immune system he has to avoid such infections.
We are both a bit slumped as we were so looking forward to going to see our son and family tomorrow to celebrate Freddy being fourteen later in the week.
As Mr P is running a race near them in the morning l will call in with his birthday cake and presents and we can rearrange another visit.
On the plus side it means l can plant the bulbs tomorrow afternoon.
We are due this afternoon to go hear a talk by the author J Montague on the topic of Memory and Identify
We have laughed over breakfast this morning as we booked this a while ago and can’t remember what it’s about ( other than the title) !
How silly are we ?

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