Meet Wendy

Wendy is Ozzy's Gran.

For those of you who follow my Blips regularly; you will know that Ozzy, is my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend. 

Obviously Wendy is not Ozzy's biological Gran because Ozzy is a dog and Wendy is a human, so I don't think they'll have to go on the 'Jeremy Kyle Show' for a DNA test!

Wendy lives in a nursing home and one of her favourite activities is following my daily adventures on BLIP. Apparently whenever Ozzy goes to visit her; all she talks about is ME. So today I was invited to meet her.

OMG! I was so excited to meet her.  It was probably how Meghan Markle felt when she met the Queen?!  Wendy is the 'head of the family' and I feel like my relationship with Ozzy has moved up a notch if he actually wants me to meet his Gran.

Anyway, when I arrived, Ozzy was already there, but Wendy had treats for me. Ozzy was being very annoying. He'd already had his treats but he kept trying to nuzzle me out of the way and get my treats. I think he was jealous that his Gran was paying me more attention.

Wendy thought I was a very nice gorgeous little collie. She fed me loads of biscuits. They were very yummy.

It was lovely to meet you this afternoon Wendy. Hope you like this photo. xxx

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