Penzance Prom

What a lovely afternoon for a stroll along Penzance Prom. And just look how clean and gorgeous looking I am. And why did we go to Penzance? We went to Penzance; because yesterday Ann trekked all the way there to get some keys cut and one of the keys that she had cut, did not work. Grrrrr......…

Much as we love Cornwall (and the weather here has been beautiful the last few days), it's very infuriating to have to travel approx 8 miles just to get a key cut. It is even more infuriating for the key not to work and to have to trek all the way back there. The key cutter didn't even apologise.

Anyway, Ann said, 'Molly, you might as well come with me. I'm only going to go into the key cutting shop, so we could have a little stroll along the prom and I'll let you have a swim in the boating lake.'

…..........So that is what we did.

This blip was taken along the Prom. The water in the boating lake was a bit dirty today so my tummy is looking a bit black now???

Apparently I'm getting extra grooming tonight!!!

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