Wonderful Warbler

Another glorious day, and we were spoiled for choice as to where to go. One candidate was Dunwich Heath, which is a must  for any visitor to this area. When we looked on the National Trust website, it turned out there was a bird-ringing demo today, so that was a clincher. After a visit to that, we has a superb walk across the heath and saw lots of Dartford Warblers and some Stonechat and Whinchat. Once past the heath, into the woodland, there were lots of mushrooms. A cool breeze got up towards the end of the walk and sightings were fewer, so we repaired to the CoastGuard Cottages Tearoom for some refreshment. 
In case you hadn't guessed, there is an uncropped version of the Dartford Warbler. Despite being easy to see, and view with binoculars, they were almost impossible to find looking through the camera lens. You know what they say about a bird in the hand.

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