
... Jim, but not as we know it?

...the Universe and Everything?

... just a bowl of cherries?

...don't talk to me about life....

I made an expedition to Leeds today. It was a very useful meeting with colleagues, only occasionally verging on mild hysteria. I tried to keep the shingly side of my neck hidden from the public gaze as far as possible so as not to frighten the horses, although this does tend to give me a Quasimodo-like stance which might frighten them anyway. I didn't notice anything blip-worthy the whole day, until I saw a wonderful sunset out of the train going home. Unfortunately the train was made up of fairly venerable rolling stock (a diesel, 125? - pity youngie's on his hols!) which included garish and unnecessarily bright fluorescent lighting - so all photos from the train were mainly reflections. This was a shot of the Science Centre as we were pulling into Newcastle station.

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