Muness View

A fine morning, but the gales have picked up through the day.  The odd shower, and odd spell of sunshine.  Been cold most of the day, northerly winds. 

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  There's been various set ups to sort for Wool Week starting tomorrow.  We've had a fairly busy day with the WW visitors arriving early.  Elise has been over for tea tonight, and also helping with out with the plumbing in the bathroom.  New bathroom suite is coming on nicely.  Mam and dad popped by for a cuppa this evening.  A quiet night by the fire now.

I headed north for my brisk lunchtime walk, wish I had taken my gloves!  This old croft house, Muness, is fairly going down now.  The roof has quite a lot of holes since my last blip of it, so it'll start falling in fast soon.  It had a fine view in it's hay day.  Muness croft house, Freester, Nesting.  

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