
"How many of these have you done now?"

That was Charlie and it was late afternoon. The Minx had gone to collect Mia from dance and Dan from work. I was in the kitchen, admiring my handiwork; this was the best I'd had a pair of sponges turn out for a long while, and in a new cooker, to boot. 

I was going to do the maths - 27 + 25 + 23 + 21 + 16 + 14 - but then I distracted myself wondering whether I saw Izzy for her birthday this year and, if I didn't, whether I would have made a cake, regardless. Anyway,  Monday is Dan's sixteenth birthday and the family party was this evening: me, Charlie, Hannah, Abi, the Minx and miniMinx, plus Dan. 

And we had a splendid evening, consisting of take away curry followed by cake, and, of course, presents. One of Dan's charms is just how well he receives a gift. I swear he is genuinely touched EVERY TIME by the idea that someone might have given him something. He's such an amazing character. 

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