
It was a local holiday today, so both BB and I were off.  Poor TT had to go to work as he didn’t get the holiday.  I felt I had to get on with some chores today, as they had been neglected over the weekend.  Once the second load of washing was on, I decided to go for a run – though I wasn’t sure I would manage.  I did manage, and even though I was a bit sluggish, it was much more enjoyable than yesterday, as there was no wind.  I clocked up 4.5 miles today and came back to continue with my chores.  I  asked BB what he wanted to do today and he eventually asked if we could go to the café in Gifford for lunch, for waffles – so that is what we did.  It was much busier than the last time we were there.

We then went for a  walk around by Broadwoodside way, before coming home for more chores (me) and cello practice (BB).  I knocked up a leek risotto for tea, which we had with smoked fish.

Having had a sport free weekend, the messages have started again about training and matches this week – maybe I should just turn my phone off.

We came across this portico on our walk.

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