Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx


PEDESTRIAN |p??destr??n|
a person walking along a road or in a developed area.
lacking inspiration or excitement; dull : disenchantment with their present, pedestrian lives.
pedestrianly adverb
ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from French pédestre or Latin pedester 'going on foot,' also 'written in prose' + -ian . Early use in English was in the description of writing as [prosaic.[/u]

I really object, in a Victoria Meldrew kind of way, to hulking young guys cycling full belt down a pedestrianised area. Today, unlike a previous occasion, I could see him coming and get out of his way. But it's just too dangerous.

Earlier this week, I watched another pedestrian area cyclist ride past two pairs of community police officers; none of them stopped him!

Maybe I am just lacking inspiration or excitement; dull : disenchant(ed with my)present, pedestrian life.

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