With Love from Dieppe

It’s been a gorgeous day today, really sunny and warm but with enough of a breeze for the kites. We started our day with breakfast by the port again and then had a wander through the market which takes place every Saturday - it was huge!

One thing I love about the French markets, apart from all the delicious food, is the flower stands where you can choose your flowers and they will make up a bouquet for you. As is our tradition, on our wedding anniversary Alan buys me a rose for every year that we’ve been married so I asked him if we could get them from here. This year it’s 13, so I chose 5 red, 5 white and 3 red/white which are slightly unusual.

After dropping the flowers off at the hotel and putting them in water, we walked back up to the chateau as the view was much clearer today, and then we went back to the kite festival. As today was the main day, everywhere was really busy and there was a great atmosphere. We found the guys from the boat with their pink dragon so stopped to have a chat with them, and saw lots of different kites from the previous days. Alan spotted these hearts which looked lovely against the blue of the sea.

We had a couple of drinks at a lovely bar on the beach and then ended up scouring the beach for heart shaped pebbles for HeartFreek as I know she collects them - we found 3!

Tonight we had dinner at a fish restaurant by the port, luckily we found a table as everywhere was full! I guess we should have anticipated it really with it being Saturday and with the amount of people that were here. Then we went down to the lawns by the beach to watch the ‘night flight’ of illuminated kites.

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