Shared Moments

By LesleyB

Dragonfly Sculpture

We all went Christmas shopping in Plymouth today - not an easy task with two lads and a hubby who don't really do shopping and even I'm not keen - I'm not really into crowds and tend to nip into the city as few times as I can get away with - I'm much happier in the country, definately a country not a town mouse.

Anyway surprise, surprise we had a really successful shopping trip, got loads of presents and no-one fell out with anyone else, all in all a good day - on the way back to the car we passed Plymouth Guildhall and Civic Centre (one is a beautiful old building and the other a 60's concrete monstrosity - neither of which are in this shot but I may blip the guildhall later as it's lovely) inbetween the building is a boating pond/duck pond, I've never been sure which it is but it does nowadays have the most lovely silver scultpure of a dragonfly on it.

Wishing everyone successful Christmas shopping trips too. xx

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