Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Lifespan, a health publication from Healthspan.

I once had a clear dream wherein my dear late Father was encouraging me to eat sensible, nutritious food and to live a good life, by implication.
I took the kind wisdom seriously, and realise it made good fatherly advice.
I decided the best way for me, was to leave off trying to be a Vegan or Vegetarian and although I have sympathy for their philosophy, based as it is on healthy planetary and animal kindness, I eat fish every so often. This is not that I want to be evil or anything like that! I just think that in a world that is largely tilted in the meat eating direction, fish eating as all well fed felines know, is good heart health. They are of course not versed as we are in heart health and their lack of language means they are at our mercy. Arthur our cat was a stray but we do our very best to help Arthur maintain a good standard of feline health. The Healthspan company are worthy of bringing to your attention, blipfriends. They have provided very well considered supplements for anyone who is blessed to afford them or who through, lack, needs them. Postage is included and not extra.
Have a good weekend blip friends and thank you for visiting my journal.

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