A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Don't phone, it's just for fun

It could work if it was plugged into a phone line but we don't have a home landline* anymore so it is useless. But I think it is aesthetically pleasing so it gets to stay. It also amuses me to put it in the hall as a reminder that standing / sitting on the floor / sitting on a chair when we got all fancy used to be the only way to have a phone call. Makes me feel like an exhibit in one of those 'living museums' when I tell the kids but that amuses me too. So it gets to stay and it gets to be blipped. Which has also served to highlight quite how dirty it is - well, was - I have now cleaned it but can't be doing with retaking the photo, I'm afraid.

It's sitting on a new piece of hall furniture which got delivered today after our previous shoe store solution collapsed from too many years of abuse. This one is much sturdier so I have higher hopes of its ability to withstand life around here.

Talking of sturdier, though I should probably say stronger, I started my quest for strength today with my first pilates class. Dynamic pilates on a reformer machine no less. There were many humiliating moments, not least when I fell off, but at least the only way is up. I hope. It turns out that I don't have a single muscle in my body and I have the strength of a new born baby. I'm hoping after a few more sesssions I might progress to holding my own head up stage. The main prompt for action was booking our ski lessons for next February and my advancing years increasing my fears of injury. Hopefully that fear will be enough to keep me going back to the torture chamber. Though I did sort of enjoy it in that way that you feel sort of virtuous all day when you can feel your exercise class for hours afterwards.

Rest of the day has been efficient from an admin and communication perspective but the piece of work I really need to make progress on didn't happen. Though if I had completed it and exercised today then I might have given myself the rest of the week off.

Lesley x

*when even my parents stopped using it and the only calls we got were from telesales we decided it was time to stop paying for an ornament. I might be miscrediting but I think it was Marcus Brigstock on a Radio4 programme who said my favourite line about landlines talking about how he jumped when his rang and felt like it was, "someone ringing from the 1970s".

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