Charlie D

Today was one of those annoying days when it was way too grim to cycle into work (if you're a fair weather cyclist like me) but then lovely in afternoon when I was stuck in a car driving to school instead of enjoying being on the bike. We did, however, have to turn the heater on in the office on account of our hands turning blue.

We were talking about Salt and Light with our college students today and when I suggested, somewhat tangentially, that they try a pinch of salt in their morning porridge they looked at me like I'd told them to murder a puppy. Salt in porridge is just another step towards becoming Howard Moore, I guess. 

At choir tonight we started learning a song from The Greatest Showman (which I have yet to see). It sounded spine-tinglingly good, even on the first week of singing it but I fear that it's even more ear-wormy than normal. 

Today's picture is one of our most famous landmarks, the beautiful Shrewsbury Library. Obviously, it's most remarkable claim to fame is that it was once the home of Shrewsbury School and was therefore where Charles Darwin did some of his learning. 

I am a big fan of local libraries and think that they are facilities that all local communities should treasure. However, ours is clearly better than the average. I love the huge stone window sills and the winding stone stairs, but most of all I love loitering around the bookcases, in awe of the fact Charlie D once did the same (although with different bookcases, obvs). 

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