
By bananablip


Tanners Wine Merchants, another local love of mine. 

Unfortunately, the internet can't tell me much about the original buildings (Numbers 26-29 Wyle Cop) so if this series continues I am going to have to seek out some history books. Unless any local blippers can fill in the blanks?

What I can talk about is Tanners Wine Merchants. Founded in 1842, Tanners basically swallowed up five other local businesses and Wyle Cop became it's home during the Second World War. Tanners is known locally for having elaborate and frequently changing window displays and an incredible wine cellar with thousands of bottles of wine on display. My favourite part of the cellar is the part that's locked behind bars and contains wine costing up to thousands of pounds. One of the best things about living on Wyle Cop was the ease of access to Tanners, particularly as there are always wines out to be sampled. I remember one year taking mum and dad to try some wine before heading out to do the big Christmas Shop. I think we feasted extra well that year, due to a rather inebriated mother behind the wheels of the shopping trolley.

As you might have guessed from the proximity of today's picture to my office, my legs are a little sore today. 

* I vote Tannered as the new Bungalowed, or Trollied in mum's case. 

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