
Having managed to drink the required 5 litres of cats pee last night, today I was off to the hosp to see the asshole consultant. He is actually a very nice man and very persistant as he has spent the past several months trying to entice me back down for further "probing" as it were!
One has to leave ones dignity at the door when taking part with all matters relating to nether region health!
Sitting last night watching back to back episodes of the crime drama Bones I think hardened me up and I was fully prepared to watch the HD TV screen that said consultant was using. What a bummer being able to look up ones own back side! He did admit his precedure would be challenging given the mess my innards are in. He wasnt bloody kidding! "Im using something like a cheese cutter" Well thats me off cheese for the forseeable future!
However after a while looking at the bloody screen and fairly doped up I was beginning to think I was watching something like BBC Autumn Watch where worms were burrowing through tunnells! ~Amazing what a few jellies can do for your imagination!
Finally after watching this poor guy grappling with things that looked like mushrooms and some high voltage zaps...kaboom! and almost three hours later I was spat out into the dreich rain with the orders to "pass as much wind as possible"
For a treat, no1 daughter and I then went to Glasgow Kelvingrove museum and I took secret pleasure in passing silent but violent wind next to some bratty kids and seeing their mothers giving them evils! ...Wicked!
Thank you for all your good wishes yesterday. Much appreciated
Happy blipping all

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