One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

'tis the season.. be ordering the Christmas ham, and if you are so inclined a turducken, from our brilliant butcher shop.
This is butcher Paul from Sebastian's Family Butchers in the main street. The family are originally from Sicily and make their own award winning snags, coppa, hams, pastas and fancy pizzas as well as delicious cuts of meat from free ranging animals. They also prepare to order goodies such as quail stuffed with Sicilian sausage, lemon and fennel..tasty!
At one time there was a espresso machine behind the counter and occasionally a bottle of grappa and there are always orange yolked eggs and baskets of fresh veggies and fruit from local gardens and orchards.

And they are always cheerful regardless of the early morning starts! Must be that shot of grappa and coffee.

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