Red Squirrel


Water In The Ear


I'd recently noticed many small, fallen, well seasoned branches among the trees around the edge of my paddock. Since I've brought my wood-burner back into action this winter I decided I may as well make use of the wood - no way would I get enough to see me through the winter, but it will add to the larger logs I buy in and make them last longer. So today I set to with my saw, and spent a couple of hours cutting some of the thinner ones into usable lengths. It dawned on me that if I can hire a small chainsaw for a day I'll also get some decent sized logs from there too - and yes, I HAVE used a chainsaw before, fear not! Most of us rural lasses ain't faint-hearted, swooning weaklings! On one of the branches I cut up, there was a cluster of these Jew's Ears (Auricularia auricula-judae), full of dew from the early morning - so I blipped as well as acquiring wood for my heating!

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