jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Is it weird of me to be excited to see sprouts and baby turnips in the grocery shops? I love them. Creamy turnip gratin, and roasted sprouts with ginger and soy. Mmmm. Bring on winter, I'm ready.

Coffee and cards at Libby's this morning, nice to chat to some people I've not really chatted to before, lovely to see Ben and Charley just get on and play. Didn't notice they'd taken their stairgate down until Libby found Charley climbing back down the stairs - he and Ben had been upstairs together. By themselves.

More attempting stock finishing this afternoon, inbetween cuddles, and then Steve went out for smallgroup.

The boys fought and tears happened and they were so so tired and got ready for bed without a fuss and went to bed relatively easily (although Charley made it clear that he missed his daddy) and they slept and let me get on with working all evening while Steve was out.

This is the boys reading together :) sorta...

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