Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Padley gorge

It has been a great weekend. The high point was the show I blipped yesterday but we did plenty more besides. I was impressed by the exhibition 'Industrial' in the heart of the old and still partially derelict industrial heart of Sheffield. A close relative was exhibiting and I like his work. There were also many object made from old cutlery and junk metalworking parts. The famous Christmas lights of Castleton were switched on. This morning for the first time in my life I was defeated by a Derbyshire full English breakfast including oatcake. French followers might like to see what a real breakfast should look like (perhaps not every day though!) It was fantastic and I only left a little. This provided enough fuel for a early morning walk down Padley gorge with the frost still on the ground and everything crisp and sparkling in the first rays of the sun. The choice of shot was difficult and it could have been one of several. I have included the rest in a flickr set

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