Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


After yesterday's all day mizzle, today dawned sunny and stayed cloudless and blue skied all day. Archie and I sat out in the front garden while JR popped off to her fitness class. It's such a pleasurable way to start the day. (Sitting around in the sun with a wee dog on your lap, I mean, not fitness class!)

Later, JR was heading off to her executive housekeeping stint, so she dropped us off up the hill, where Archie and I walked down through the Hermitage and bussed home, with a bonus walk across the Links. I was fair puggled. (5,886 steps)

I tried out my new rip off Apple earbuds costing about £20. They're the same shape, look just as ridiculous sticking out of one's ears, but they're slightly bigger, and fit my ears better. Though I actually preferred just to listen to the the sounds of the pigeons in the forest, but even better, I was listening to a podcast while sitting in the sun with my coffee.

Once home, and revived by the usual lunch of a veggie wrap, I decided to do a bit of weeding in the sunny back garden. Weeding must be Very Good for my hamstrings, because BOY, they hurt like hell after bending down for, oh, about 10 seconds, so I had to have plenty of rests.

JR has continued with her housekeeping bug, and is sorting out cupboards, with piles of bags for the charity shop.

This time last year, we were at our amazing Safari Lodge. I was able to re-live the whole holiday (including the trauma of missing the flight). Isn’t blip great!

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