A package from America!!!

4 single metres of fabric to add to the other 9 lengths for the next patchwork quilt!!

I decided to make R’s next quilt using a pattern shown in a recent edition of my quilting magazine. R likes it and the colours used fit perfectly in her new bedroom.

What I didn’t realise initially is, that the time frame between the designer being commissioned for the project and supplied with the range of material, through the design, making, sending it to the journal......journal being published etc ......is lengthy!!!

By this point the fabric has been in the shops a couple of years and is classed as ‘old’. Designer / manufacturers introduce several new ranges every year and shops only purchase limited number of rolls.

I realised that I was going to have problems when I found a limited number of designs in the ‘reduced’ section on line. I managed to get a few more from the same company when their unsold stock returned from the Festival of Quilts.

I managed to find the last 4 designs in a patchwork shop in Manchaca Tx. Somewhere in the USA. (I will do a search on when I have some spare time!!!) It only took 8 days from ordering to delivery......impressed with the service!!!

I only need to buy the background fabric, white on white!!! Not as easy as you would think and certainly not something to be done on line. I’ve got one of my ‘sewing ladies’ trips next week, so should be able to get it then.

I’ve been exhausted following my London trip yesterday and have taken things easy. A trip over to see R when she got home from work was productive. Things sorted...plans made.....then home for dinner.

A day late blip!!! Will catch up tomorrow (or should I say...today)

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