Fur Babies.

I have had a really nice day.

It was a bit odd waking up without Mr W beside me but thought I would make the most of my lazy morning on my own before heading over to Croydon to see Daughter Number 2 and her Fur Babies, stopping off in John Lewis on the way.

DN2 made me lunch and we spent several hours shooting kittens. They have grown so fast and are right proper little characters and actually learnt how to jump on the work tops today for the first time!!!!!

I then managed a little bit of retail therapy in Ikea and TKMax before heading home to spend the evening on my laptop - playing with kitten pictures!!!

Mr W has called me  a few times but the reception is quite poor in the middle of Wales and the other lads take the mickey so the calls are short and sweet. It will be nice to have him home again tomorrow once I finish work.


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