Blists Hill Victorian Town

Fortified by an excellent full English breakfast at the hotel,we set off to Blists Hill, one of Ironbridges major attractions. It's a recreation of a typical Industrial Revolution era town, with many of the buildings having been moved brick by brick from towns inthe surrounding area.

The staff, who are all in role as villagers and workers, are very knowledgeable and play their roles extremely well. The highlight was a lesson in the village school taught by a begowned and cane-wielding Headmaster, who led the class of visitors young and old through a no-nonsense question and answer lesson on the history of Ironbridge, rote chanting of times tables and prayers culminating in a rousing rendition of the National Anthem. Mr Gradgrind would have been proud!

It was all fascinating and great fun and before we knew it we'd spent 5 hours wandering around.

There was just time to stop in Ironbridge itself for a stroll round and a stop in a tea shop. The bridge itself is being renovated and hidden under scaffolding and shrouds, so we'll have to come back next year when the conservation work is finished.

Rounded off the day with a swim in the hotel pool and an excellent curry in one
of Shifnal's 3 Indian restaurants.

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