Pussycat Playtime

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I am off work all the rest of this week. Cazza is having her eyes zapped tomorrow and I have to be there to drop her off and take her home again.

But today she has been working like mad to get everything wrapped up before she is rendered blind as a bat for a day or so. She has been tick-tacking away on her laptop all day.

Me, not so much. I have been playing with the cats. Especially Punky, who can be very kittenish for a middle-aged catty gentleman. 

Here you see him in the midst of his toys, sitting in the middle of crinkly paper. He loves crinkly paper. 

That's about the sum of my accomplishments for today. I also watched all of Vienna: Empire, Dynasty & Dreams. Cazza wrinkled her nose when I put that on. But then got totally involved and forgot what she was doing when the bit about The Beautiful Nude Angel came on.

See? People think history is all about crusty old bastards signing treaties and laying siege to things. They forget that there's a fair amount of shagging going on as well. 

In fact, I think the the programme should have been called, "Vienna: Quite A Lot of Shagging Actually". It would have got much higher ratings.


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