
By Legacy

Be Still My Heart

Is this a kitchen, or what?

This is the brand new facility at our local technical college for use in the culinary arts program. Tonight I spent a nifty evening at a book signing/lecture listening to restauranteur/author Tom Douglas, owner of numerous restaurants in Seattle. He is an inspired chef who talked about the passion of cooking and presenting food, and how much he enjoys both. The culinary arts students provided samples of some of the amazing offerings from his cookbook which included a chocolate cake that was one of the best I ever tasted and coconut cream pie/tarts that defy description. (Rob, I'm bringing the recipe on my next visit) The evening's program was a combined effort of our wonderful local independent bookstore and the technical college and turned out to be a smashing success.

The kitchen blip won out over pictures of the food because I dream of having something like that to cook in. I've had nice kitchens in my day, but what I wouldn't give to be able to cook in that one. I absolutely love to cook and although I don't get a chance to do much of it nowadays, I can only hope that heaven has something like this in it.

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