Bonus Rab

Our plan was a day of weeding, but the rain was chucking it down after breakfast. I went upstairs to carry on with a Blurb book I’m making for a friend’s big birthday to find Mr C on his computer with pictures of puffy jackets in front of him. He was looking for a bargain for me, as I’d always used Ailie’s warm lightweight down jacket but when we go away next month she will be using it.

He decided that as we couldn’t be better employed in the rain we should head straight for Go Outdoors in Newcastle and buy the Rab alpine on sale for £102.

Needless to say we saw a much better jacket for a lot more, but the shop was pleased to do a deal if I had a less attractive colour. So I now have a wonderful down jacket ready for the cold nights at 12,000 ft at Fairy Meadows. How lucky am I. Sainthood awaits Mr C.

Now I dare not mention yesterday’s purchases which will have to take a little rest under the bed.

We had a meal tonight with friends who introduced us to a couple who live half the year in New Zealand. They are great travellers so now we have even more destinations on our bucket list.

Well this went into the next day and I definitely posted it before midnight!

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