More silver linings

What a great thing Facebook can be. ( Mostly). Through it I knew an old colleague who now lives in USA would be in Edinburgh. We managed to fir in a quick coffee and catch up when I got off my train. It was so nice to meet up again.

Then I went to the Rembrandt exhibition before meeting Jenny, my friend of 65 years, at the book festival. Val,McDermid introduced Ali Smith who read at great speed her essay on Muriel Spark and her work. It was clever and witty but required great concentration.

We had lunch - very tasty but of minuscule portions - at Forage and Chatter. Wine was foraged for and a lot of chatter ensued.

Back at the book festival we went to hear Jackie Kay, the Makar (Scottish poet laureate) reading some of her new work. She is such a wonderfully warm and funny person. I first met her about 25 or more years ago, when she came to do a poetry workshop with my friend Carole her school in Suffolk. The 3 of us went to the pub together. Despite her fame she is as nice as ever.

Then I got the train home, shattered.

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