Loughborough Mela 2018

Every August, the Asian community in Loughborough organises a Mela, a festival of dance, song, food and fun.

I've tried to go along the last few years and was surprised that so few onlookers were there compared to last year. The performances were enthusiastic and inspiring.

This photo shows a trio of Bollywood/Banghra dancers performing very professionally, accompanied by Banghra drummers D E A Dhol.

At the end, we were all exhorted to get on the mat to dance to the drummers. Few people took up the challenge but I, and another lady I was standing next to, did. Regretfully, I couldn't do any more than bop up and down as my legs are no longer up to dancing. The rhythm was marvellous.

Extras are of a troupe of Punjabi dancers in incredibly coloured costumes and of a troupe of boys, beautifully attired in white with red sash, who had been coached in the stick dance by one of the fathers.

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