
By Bigdreamer

The gap

Things are looking clear, after running around like a mad women the last few weeks, looking a countless schools public and private I have made a decision, Maddi is happy with it and we have started the process of getting her use to it. I have been taking her to visit the school grounds on the weekends and walking the b boundaries of the school with her. I can rest easy as she has a best friend that will be with her next year and they will be in the same class a least someone to cling to until they both settle.

Maddi seems happy for now with us organising to get uniforms with her best friend at the same time, but I know next year will be another new adjustment for her and she will have things to over come, but I know she will get there with our support and come out stronger then ever before. Maddi has an amazing talent of making heaps of friends and I know that in no time she will be fine. The parties for her just keep getting bigger as she has so many different places where she has made good strong connections. A attribute that is fantastic to have.

Maddi si very quickly growing up before my eyes, her little face is changing, the loss of her first tooth has made her seem soo much older and bigger. Then in a blink of an eye she is my baby all over again crying over having to compete in a upcoming swimming event. The flicker and change between these two is mind boggling.

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