Zooming in......

It has been the Biggin Hill Air Show today. We are about five miles from there and while hanging out some washing, I heard the familiar sound of the Red Arrows. I am quite pleased I managed to get this photo!! I am well pleased with my new camera. Finding the planes in the sky on the screen was just the same as using binoculars!! 

While waiting for the next fly over, I played with macro onto the cosmos. ( I know what I mean....!) I'm using up my extras but it may be a little more interesting than the Red Arrows.  

And this morning I met with Big Sis for a quick coffee and this afternoon I have much reduced the contents of my wardrobe. I have a very full black sack to take to a charity shop and now what's left in on the shelves can BREATHE. 

And that's it really! A special date 18.8.18, but I missed it.....

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