
...and more VERY steep, heavily cobbled and winding streets to negotiate! Fantastic once we'd got to the bottom although the views on the way down were well worth every step.

We watched a video presentation before beginning the tour and learnt the history of the village which goes back to the Doomsday Book and in its more recent history has been looked after by the same family since 1783. Any maintenance uses traditional materials and craftsmanship from the mid 19th century.

Once we reached the tiny harbour we just sat for some much to take in..colour, landscape and sea. Wonderful!

The equally almost vertical climb back up was easier and the various places to visit on the way made it a truly wonderful day out. Again much more to record than here but Clovelly comes with a big recommendation.

The day was topped with dinner in a pub near Bideford...a wonderful find after several no goes. Great staff and service and a delicious meal. I'd recommend that too if I could remember its name....!

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